Genealogy - CHSV Website 2025

Chesterfield Historical Society
of Virginia Since 1981
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Genealogy Library
Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia - Genealogy
 For questions or details, please call our telephone number 748-7121.
The following county records can be researched by volunteers:
  • 1.  Deeds - 1749-1967
  • 2.  Wills - 1749-1994
  • 3.  Marriage Register - 1855-1896
  • 4. Judgments -1930-1989
  • Plats : Can be researched only if Book and Page are known, or listed in Deed      

The following books can also be researched:
  • 1.  Marriages of Chesterfield County, Virginia, 1771-1854
  • 2.  Cemetery books compiled by our Cemetery Committee:  
  • 3.  Gone but Not Forgotten and Chesterfield Churchyards

​Other files and collections in the library:
  • 1. Family History Folders
  • 2. Manuscript File
  • 3. Vertical Files
  • 4. Photograph Collection
  • 5. Maps
  • 6. Veteran Database and other Military Reference   
Genealogy Requests
Genealogy Research Requests
Thank you for the opportunity to assist you in your research on a person, place, or event in Chesterfield County’s rich history. As the birthplace of the second permanent English settlement, the first hospital, major coal mines, ironworks, tobacco farming, and many other significant events, we have a history we are proud to share!  There is a minimum NON-REFUNDABLE charge of $25.00 per research request.  Upon evaluation of your request, you will be contacted, if necessary, to discuss any additional anticipated charges depending on the time required to complete the research. Basic requests for births, deaths, and marriages are priced differently and the   researcher will contact you.  Note that we do have some genealogy materials from other parts of Virginia and surrounding states in our library. Our library is open by appointment, 804- 796-7131.  Please do not hesitate to call with questions, 804- 796-7131.  

1st)  Fill out the Genealogical Research Request form and submit by either:
  •   MAILING: The Chesterfield Historical Society, P.O. Box 40, Chesterfield, VA 23832
  •    EMAIL:
  • 2nd)  Payments can be made by:      
  • MAIL CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO: The Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia, P.O. Box 40, Chesterfield, VA 23832
  • ELECTRONICALLY:    Through PayPal.  Once payment and the research request form has been received, a researcher will contact you to confirm your payment has been received and that research has begun. ​ Every attempt will be made to transmit data electronically at no charge; if that is not possible, postage and copies are extra.

  • Click on the PayPal Button which will link you to the PayPal site.  Complete the form and "add to cart".

    For Genealogy Research Requesrs, pleases,
    Use the PayPal Button to shown below.
    Books in the Genealogy Library
    If  your family is from somewhere other than Chesterfield come see if we  have some reference books that relate to your research. We have some  Georgia, North and South Carolina, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and New  England as well as Military History books. We’re happy to assist you. We have a list of books in the Genealogy Library that cover Chesterfield County and other places in the United States.

    Genealogy Research
    Requester's Name
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    The Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia
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