Committees - CHSV Website 2025

Chesterfield Historical Society
of Virginia Since 1981
Historic Trinity Church Home of the CHSV
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CHSV Committees
CHSV Committees

African Amercan History Committee  
Responsible for promoting the research and appreciation of all aspects of African American history in Chesterfield County. To collect, preserve, interpret and promote the rich history of African Americans for the education and enlightenment of present and future generations.  <MORE>

Cemetery Committee
Locate and document family, church, and community cemeteries. Research and document existing and historic cemeteries. Participate in County Planning projects with data on cemeteries located in new developments.  <MORE>

Collections Committee
Maintain preserve and enhance the display of historic artifacts collection. Develop annual exhibit calendar. Promote educational aspect of historic sites on collections. Accession appropriate artifacts.

Events, Fundraising and Programs Committee
Plans and coordinates annual events calendar, including quarterly meetings, lecture series, and fundraisers. Coordinates advertising, marketing, and publicity support. Recruits speakers.

Genealogy Committee
Foster interest in genealogy through workshops and projects.  Handle research requests. Proof and abstract census data.  <MORE>
Governance  Committee
Mission: To identify, evaluate and nominate potential candidates to serve on the Board of Directors, and to present the annual slate of Officers and Directors in July for a vote by Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia (CHSV) Membership; to review and update the CHSV bylaws, and to provide oversight to develop committee policy and procedures upon the request of the Board.

Library Committee
Assists patrons with research. Accession books, manuscripts, pictures, maps and periodicals into the library collection. Restore scrape books. Research and maintain family histories, vertical files and picture files. Update Veterans database.  Create indices. Library at Trinity Church is open Mon-Fri, 10am-4pm.  See The New Film on the Library Committee  <MORE>

Membership Committee
Maintain member database. Mail dues, invoices, and related communications.  Create membership drives.

Military History Committee
Research military history and sites. Develop educational and tourist literature on military history. Reserve and maintain the integrity of Civil War sites in the county.

The Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia
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