CHSV Cemetery Committee
Our Collections
We have been researching and recording grave sites since 1981. We have an extensive collection
and will assist you as much as we have documented. We are all volunteers at the Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia. Our resources cover most major wars since the founding of our county in 1749.
Family Research is also available in our Research and Genealogy Libraries.

Chesterfield Historical Society of Virginia Cemetery Committee
Cemetery Committee
Chesterfield County has over 600 documented family, church and community burial grounds located within its historical boundaries. The Cemetery Committee was created to locate and research these small plots and to help the community with questions regarding them.
The following resources are available to patrons in our research library:
Ꚛ Cemetery files which may include photos, genealogies, land records, and vital records
Ꚛ Interment cards in Card Catalogue
Ꚛ Local obituaries
Ꚛ Limited family histories
Ꚛ Cemetery plats
Ꚛ Cemeteries in Chesterfield County, Virginia - Find A GraveCemeteries in Chesterfield County, Virginia - Find A Grave
Cemetery Committee
This committee locates and document family, church, and community cemeteries. It also researches and document existing and historic cemeteries.We participate in County Planning projects with data on cemeteries located in new developments.

Our Collections
Our collections have been published in books available for sale to the general public or to the family genealogist. They are indexed t
to allow anyone to find their ancestor in Chesterfield County, VA. It is a valuable resource. They are available in our Research or Genealogy libraries located in the Historic Trinity Church.
The books are a must have when doing family research in Chesterfield County, VA.